Culture Maximizes Results

Numerous studies show that organizations with a highly engaged workforce are proven to financially outperform their peers by big margins, but just knowing this isn’t enough. Culture must be shaped to fit the goals and strategy of your organization.

Thriving in your workplace culture

But what is organizational culture exactly? It’s a good idea to have consistent clarity on culture among your leaders and managers:

“Culture is how we do our work. Culture involves the values, standards or beliefs that influence how we work with each other to achieve our goals.”

Building and sustaining culture isn’t brain surgery, but it isn’t simplistic either. You must have an effective process with working principles and tools for change.

Some of the largest and most successful companies locally and across North America have turned to us for help. We’d love to help you make change and cultural transformation a reality.

Multi-generational Workforce

There’s no doubt that Millennials value company culture more than most generations, and the generation following them is entering the workforce also valuing company culture.

Younger workforce numbers are increasing rapidly. Without a strong culture it is difficult to attract and retain the best talent, and to motivate people to high performance.

Transforming Culture

You need to shift mindsets and you want to avoid the costly mistakes others have made, mistakes that can make things worse not better.

If you’re looking for expert guidance and support to work with you, we are ready to help.


We train leaders on our actionable insights at conferences and in smaller training workshops or coaching sessions.


Leadership is the heartbeat of a strong culture. We help strengthen leadership skills, manage employee performance issues, resolve conflict and improve customer and employee experience.

Team Training, Individual Coaching:

Want to adjust your culture, change mindsets or develop managers? We have workshops and short-term coaching programs for individuals or groups that accomplish these objectives.

When your team’s performance struggles, one or several individuals can cause it. A stressful, tense atmosphere intensifies the dysfunction of the team and results suffer.

We’re comfortable handling these challenges, we’ve helped resolve about every kind of conflict or team dysfunction you can imagine. It will cost you nothing to see if we can help.

Cultural & leadership development, certified instructors
Cultural transformation and leadership development are key accelerators of organizational performance, but you want to use a change management process you can trust.

We work with you to help clarify the values and shape your work climate through a structured, holistic change management process. We have over fifty years combined change management experience and would love to put our insights to work for you.

Conferences and Webinars

We present fresh insights on cultural and leadership development to thousands of executives, leaders, business owners and managers at conferences, in small workshops and in one-on-one coaching.

A Sample Of Our Training

Cracking The Code On Building A People First Culture

A) Significant Trends Driving The Need for a People First Culture
B) Essential Leadership Principles For Building a People First Culture
C) Implementation Tools For Changing, or Sustaining Your Culture

Culture Transformation Leadership Training

  1. Business Today Operates In The Age of The Glassdoor; The Revolving Door; The Open Door and The Customer Door. What This Means For All Businesses.

  2. What is Culture? How Does It Influence Results? Unfortunately, culture often makes it into the language of a business but not into the life of the business.

  3. Building Blocks For A People First Culture: VALUES – the centerpiece of  your culture. LEADERSHIP - leaders are culture carriers. TOOLS – lead change and craft your culture, then sustain it.

  4. 3 Keys To Values: Building and Sustaining Deliberate, Intentional Culture Through Values.

  5. Leadership Essentials For Creating A People First Culture - One That Engages, Retains and Achieves High Performance.

  6. 4 Keys For Effective Employee Praise & Recognition

  7. How Customers and Stakeholders Fit In Your Cultural Transformation Effort

  8. How To Develop Clear Values and Standards - 57 Values Prioritization Tool

  9. Vital Influencer Roles To Making Change – And Making It Last

  10. People First Culture Implementation Map

Learn More


  • Mark, I carry your Creating People First Culture and Onboarding presentation handouts with me to every store in our multi-state network and I use them with my managers to help guide our changes. Your insight is invaluable to my organization.” Kings Point Ventures
  • Amongst employees, this has broken down walls, improved attitudes and relationships for more of a ‘team’ effort. Needless to say, I am sold on your training. We have 8 scheduled.
  • Mark Holmes has been instrumental to our recent and future success. He has enhanced our ability to set and achieve goals, recognize and address key issues and create a better workplace.” Hammons Products Company
  • I thoroughly enjoyed your People First Webinar. It offered a lot of insight and stirred up a lot of excitement among our team. Thanks so much!