Leadership Effectiveness

These days, we all struggle with adapting to and managing the forces of change. And, the challenge to motivate others to make the necessary changes can test even the best leaders.

It’s no longer enough to simply place good performers in a position as a new supervisor or manager. You need to prepare them for the responsibility and pressures of managing people, juggling multiple priorities and dealing with conflict effectively.

We are passionate about helping your leaders, managers or supervisors develop effective leadership skills and accomplish your organization’s goals.

Independently Validated, Proven Coaching

You deserve to hire a coach you can trust.

Mark Holmes may be the only leadership coach in North America who has been independently scrutinized and validated by a major media outlet to produce “dramatic” coaching results. If you are interested read on…


Chicago Tribune, October 31, 2001

A month later, the difference in [Brenda] Blonski’s
management style was dramatic.”

The Chicago Tribune selected Brenda Blonski, VP in a high-profile Chicago advertising agency, for a manager coaching process with Mark Holmes. They interviewed Blonski’s employees before and after her coaching.

Employees spoke candidly about the changes they noticed in Blonski’s leadership:

  • “I think she’s getting more structured,” Mike Willis said. “She listens a lot better, so we don’t have to go back and try to re-explain an idea or the reason why we did something.”
  • “I can sense a difference in how we communicate,” Perry Fair said. “We’ve had some extremely positive conversations. And I feel better about running down the hall and knocking on her door when I need some input.”
  • “She’s more complimentary,” Camille Taylor said. “I prefer to work independently, but when I’m ready to show my work, I like praise and appreciation.”
  • Other employees said: Blonski listened a lot better, set out her expectations more clearly, organized weekly meetings to check in on and praise each writer and artist more often.

We have limited spots open for our 3-month coaching program, if interested, contact US

Some Of Our Most Popular Leadership, Management Training Workshops

Leading Others Successfully

  • You Are A Leader: Leaders Are Made Or Born?
  • Mission, Vision, Purpose, Goals
  • 7 Leadership Essentials
  • The 5 Most Important Things People Want From Their Leader
  • Listening Skills For Leaders: Traps and Techniques
  • The Impact of Caring, Respect and Discipline
  • How to Give Positive Reinforcement and Recognition Properly
  • Ways to Handle Non-Performance or Attitude Problems
  • How to Manage People Who Try To Subvert Your Leadership
  • Change Management
  • Time Management Tips For Busy Leaders
We help your leaders and managers make a positive difference, hit the mark on the company’s goals, and solve the biggest challenges.

New Supervisor Training

  1.  What’s Expected of A New Supervisor? What’s My Job?
  2.   From Coworker To Boss: 4 Keys To A Successful Transition
  3.   How Being A “Too-Nice” Boss Can Wreak Havoc For Your Team
  4.   Effective Communications: The Basics of Giving Praise and Correction
  5.   7 Essentials For Creating Trust & Respect
  6.   Putting Accountability Into Your Supervisory Approach
  7.   How To Work Successfully With Your Boss: 5 Factors To Focus On

How To Resolve Workplace Conflict

  1. How Workplace Conflict Impacts The Work Environment 
  2. 4 Types of Conflict and The Challenges Of Each
  3. Basic Managerial Approaches To Handling Conflict 
  4. Facts and Assumptions: A Communications Exercise
  5. 6 Steps To Resolving Conflict With Your Employee
  6. What to Do If Your Employee Isn’t Taking Accountability For Their Performance
  7. How To Resolve Conflict Between Employees Or Between Teams/Shifts
  8. Principles For Resolving Conflicts Between Teams And Supervisors
  9. 4 Ways You May Unintentionally Create Or Contribute To Conflict

Highly Effective Coaching Skills For Managers!

  1. Your Role As Coach - What It Means and What It Doesn’t
  2. Overcoming The Barriers To ‘Manager As Coach’
  3. 7 Keys For Coaching Any Employee Through A Performance or Attitude Problem  
  4. Communication Essentials For Coaching
  5. 5 Ways to Foster Feedback From Your People 
  6. How to Give Feedback To Your People & Handle Pushback 
  7. 12 Great Questions To Ask When Coaching Your Team
  8. What Is Realistic To Expect From Others?


  • "Our management team truly functions more as a team since Mark has worked with us. He has keen insight into interpersonal dynamics and the workplace of the 21st century.” Hammons Products Company

  • “This seminar, without question, is the best, most valuable course I’ve attended in 15 years with the Bureau of Prisons. I only wish I’d had this information when I was younger.”

  • “I learned better techniques for listening and the need for more effective communication and trust were brought out in the Mining Game. Probably the best seminar I have ever attended on any subject. This guy is terrific!”

  • “Great instructor!”

  • “Most valuable was the practicality of implementing now for immediate use in our facility.”

  • “Great class, a longer session would be great.”

  • “For years we needed someone to resurrect the last morning of a three-day leadership conference. Mark will be filling this spot for as long as we can get him.”

  • “Our sincere thanks for the outstanding presentation and leadership during our Strategic Planning Retreat. You were hugely successful in bringing our thoughts and actions into a more strategic mode. Furthermore, we appreciate the follow-up you have provided, you have kept us focused on what’s important and assisted us in our efforts to make company-wide changes we didn’t think were possible. Thanks again for your insight.”
  • “Brilliant… it was very good training!”
  • “Thank you for the positive impact that you have had on NEC. Your workshops have been extremely beneficial. We have utilized your training to make NEC a better place to work.”
  • “Challenging!...Valuable! These are just a few of the comments received at the Chick-fil-A Operators’ Conference in Orlando. Your effort and research brought our Operators pertinent information. They left encouraged, uplifted and armed with ideas to incorporate into their business. Our appreciation for your outstanding performance. Thank you.”
  • “The training you provided in teamwork, leadership, effective communication and dealing with change were very effective in our journey to becoming a High Performance Organization in a global Marketplace. Your interesting and enthusiastic approach with our employees was very effective and received very high ratings. ”